April Newsletter


Things are finally shifting in a more positive direction and we are going to be able to start offering classes again!

With the advent of spring blubs and warmer weather I’m certainly looking forward to seeing some of you at our classes and market this summer.

We have two new classes listed now on our website. Information on both is included below with links to take you easily to sign up.

Ramillete Paper Crafts will be taught on May 29th

This is an old hispanic craft I’ve been doing for many years and continue to be delighted by the diversity it offers and the joy of mixing colors. Click the blue link above to learn more details or sign up.

Sarah Slovensky will offer a class in Modern Embroidery we had to cancel last year due to you know what! Click on the blue link to easily register.

Her work is beautiful, carefully done and artistically stitched. She is also doing floral water colors  now and will be selling her work at our Summer Arts & Crafts Market, along with many other artists on July 31 & August 1.

It’s a pleasure to be working with a dear young client once again, after helping her with her gardens 5 years ago. We are now adding this strong bluestone walkway to the front of the house along with a split rail fence along the driveway and a long line of manzanias with two white flowering crepe myrtles. It will be so stunning when they fill in a bit.

The brilliant green flowers of Hellebore foetidus gives alot of impact in full sun and practially glows with it’s intense lime green. This photo also taken at the same job where the stones are going in.

Many years ago, when I was getting a very lucky education with who would become the famous Dan Hinkley, I bought this Olympic Double Salmonberry from Dan. It’s a natural rare occurance someone found on the Olympic Peninsula. It looks more like a small rose and it stolonizes slowly in my garden so I’ve never regretted planting it. A fancy NW native!

This darling great neice made a fabulous flower crown for her auntie’s birthday. We picked the flowers and Adele knew just how she wanted to combine them. A budding artist and floral worker for sure. It’s magic to see kids create like this and I always have a great time with this darling relative.

Just a few days ago these dear little robins hatched – I’ll have to check and see if the other egg made it or not. They are nesting right under the potting shed porch roof in a metal basket hanging close to the eve – seems a safe spot from jays and such so I hope they fledge.

Speaking of robins Sheila has made this delightful bird bath which is available along with a chickadee, brown creeper & junco.

You can go to our Market page to purchase any of these special and long lasting birdbaths – safe for birds with the rough surface and a delight to always have a bird in your yard.

To get directly to this robin bath just click on this Robin link

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for July 31 & August 1 – our Summer Arts & Crafts Market.

I’m getting many new vendors in addition to some of the original ones from 2019. There will be a number from off island in order to provide diversity. My goal is to support ‘younger’ artists  ( easy when I’m my age ) as well as expose us all to things we may not have seen.

Another exciting addition will be the well known chef, Matt Dillon ( James Beard among other awards ) with his wood oven food truck providing lunch on both days.

There is plenty of room for our vendors to spread out so we are practicing safe policies for large groups. Masks will be required.

I’m hoping you’re all vaccinated and able to enjoy the renewed freedoms in this wonderful spring weather. I surely hope to see you at our classes or market.

Happy Gardening,

Mary Fisher