Category: Newsletter

September Newsletter

August has been an eventful month and now I’m getting to do a large party to celebrate a wedding. Such fun to have such a vast palette of flowers to work with.  Barb Schiltz and Dorit Zingarelli have helped do the flowers – fun team!   A few huge arrangements with sunflowers, grass heads, marigolds, baptisia foliage and crested ferns… Find out more and register

August Newsletter

  It will be nice to get back to hosting some exciting classes after our busy and successful Summer Market August 12 Erin Vanhee, an amazing teacher and herbalist will be teaching an all day class on medicinal plants – Herbal Medicine Making  Erin will cover many plants used, including some surprising ones we grow often for their ornamental value.… Find out more and register

July Newsletter – 2023

 A needed nature break before getting ready for our upcoming events at the gardens, I  hiked the Skyline Trail on Mt Tahoma / Rainer with a couple of good friends this past weekend. Although a very popular and crowded park, it’s  worth going for the incredible views and wildflowers. Also, in a heart warming way, it reinforces the kindness of… Find out more and register

May Newletter

Birds, eggs, young, mist nets, hummingbirds and incredible scientists delighted a group last Saturday, during our fundraiser for Burke Ornithology endowment. We had a dynamic trio of scientists to show us so many things. This great photo by student, Eileen de la Cruz. Alejo has the bird in hand. Introducing Dr Alejo Rico-Gueverra, the Curator of Birds and an expert… Find out more and register

March Newsletter

February came and went without a newsletter! So now for some big catch up. Lots of great classes in the works – some with a bird and nature focus, some on wild foods, a painting with thread class and some dyeing workshops. Our first class coming up in April is Shibori Explored with Elin Noble. Shibori Explored Aril 22 &… Find out more and register

January Newsletter

  Happy New Year to all and what better color to welcome us all into the soft start of new growth than this wonderful pink willow Salix gracilistyla ‘Mount Aso’  – . I do love it but would appreciate it more if it’s growth habit was upright and not sprawling as that just keeps it handy for deer and rabbits… Find out more and register

December Newsletter

Our first snows have dusted us with beauty and even school closure on some islands! Mahonia ‘Winter Sun” – the first of the Chinese mahonia’s to bloom is providing food for the overwintering Anna’s hummingbirds. A good reason to grow other mahonia’s besides our native ones. Our annual Winter Arts and Crafts Market was a big success! I’m deeply grateful… Find out more and register

November – Music & Fun

  Hello All!  Lots coming up in the next couple weeks.  First off if you want to make incredible cookies – both Springerle and Gingerbread AND support Whidbey Island Music Festival sign up here for Tekla’s class this Saturday, November 12th. Held at her historic, charming home in Coupeville, half of the ticket price goes to WIMF. Sorry I forgot… Find out more and register

November Newsletter

Hey hey hey – you know what month it is if we are offering a wreath class! Dang how did November arrive so fast? November &  December are very full times here at Cultus Bay Gardens. Our large, yet intimate Winter Arts & Crafts Market is fast approaching with 27 vendors offering a wide selection of items. The Friday right… Find out more and register