Category: Newsletter

November Newsletter

Yippy! We’ll be hosting our annual Winter Holiday Arts & Crafts Market in person this year in less than a week. With all the doors open and the artists materials spread out the space will be well ventilated and masks are required. Winter Holiday Arts & Crafts Market – 2021 November 26, 27 & 28 ~ open to the public… Find out more and register

October Newsletter

The winds, rains, and colors of fall are sweeping us along to that dormant time of the year. However, the artists and creative folks that sell at my Winter Holiday Arts & Crafts Market aren’t going dormant. In fact, they are busy creating products and I’ve been busy lining up artists – old and new – to join us for… Find out more and register

September Newsletter

  It’s been a great start to fall with 2 textile classes already under our fingers! From nettle cordage making to indigo dying. This Saturday we have an amazing artist and teacher, Patti King, sharing her unique and vast fabric collection, as she teaches us the old Korean technique called Bojagi – Korean patchwork. It’s a calm, meditative class with… Find out more and register

August Newsletter

I recently delivered some wedding flowers to Becky Slabaugh whose ceremony was held in her mother Jayne’s abundant garden. It’s been a total honor to do all the girls wedding flowers and work with that sweet family. This photo of Jayne’s cosmos, zinnias, marigolds and sunflowers epitomizes summer. Crazy abundance here in Jayne’s arrangement – normally I’m not a hanging… Find out more and register

Late July Newsletter

Only a few days until our much anticipated Summer Arts & Crafts Market  July 31 & August 1 10 a.m. – 4 p,m. each day 23 different artists & craftspeople  The hydrangeas are full of bloom and the gardens looking pretty fluffy – we so hope you can make it out to see all the wonders that are arriving from… Find out more and register

Early July Newsletter

Painting by Jonni Reed –  one of the artists at the Market – House with Puddles – 12″ x 16″ July is going to be a great month as 23 artists prepare to delight you with their paintings, ceramics, jewelery, clothing, woodwork, handmade knives, handspun yarn, glasswork, clothing, paper crafts, unique pillows, collage, body care products, tasty food, cloth lunch… Find out more and register

Late June Newsletter

  Arrangement by Brita Fisher Brita Fisher with arrangements – she’s our stellar floral & wreath teacher. She’s wearing a new Maemae dress – more good dresses and tops will be at our Summer Market   Our pie making class last Saturday was a big success – as one person wrote to me ” thanks for demystifying pie making for… Find out more and register

Early June Newsletter

Itoh peony ‘Cherry Garcia’ in Dorit Zingarelli’s garden I know you recently got a May newsletter, but two new classes have been added for June I want you to be aware of – a fool proof pie making class and Fantastic Paper Flowers – plus there’s still room in the embroidery class on June 12th. In addition to the classes… Find out more and register

May Newsletter

May is a most magical month, with some of my favorite flowers in bloom, soft spring air and incredible lighting as the weather changes. Often, after a drizzly day, the sun comes out late in the afternoon and the lighting on the trees and horizon line is so ethereal. We are  gradually in the  process of resuming classes. On Saturday,… Find out more and register

April Newsletter

  Things are finally shifting in a more positive direction and we are going to be able to start offering classes again! With the advent of spring blubs and warmer weather I’m certainly looking forward to seeing some of you at our classes and market this summer. We have two new classes listed now on our website. Information on both… Find out more and register