Late July Newsletter

Hello all – the time is NOW – the summer market is just 2 days away and I hope many of you will come out to support our great collection of artists!

The link to see more work is right here – takes you to our website.

Summer Arts & Crafts Market

There are now 24 artists as 3 had to drop out for various reasons so we still have a great group.

Pattern for Love – green on blue tee shirts

I must boast a bit and let you know our dear oldest daughter Leah has been busy printing tee shirts, towels and napkins despite the really hard year she’s had so far. Her partner / husband of 25 years died of cancer in March and she broke her hand earlier in the year. Many challenges yet she’s pushing ahead as a single mom to a brilliant 14 year old ( who got early admission to UW after her dad died ).

If you get to the market please stop and say hi to Leah and pick up some refreshing beverages from Pasha ( the child ) and her little cousin Jura. They will also have yummy homemade treats for sale.

Red Alder Pattern tee shirt

Pattern for Mt Tahoma / Rainier 

I’m very late getting photos of some of my newer sewing work so her are a few.

Love making these very useful 2 pocket lined lunch bags with swishy tassels and a button closure. Course you can use them for other things besides lunch bags – travel accessories, computer cords, socks  and on and on.

There are more lunch bags to choose from and all machine washable.

A number of new tops that are comfy and styling!

A nice group of cool summer dresses too – a few of them will be on SALE so check it out.

Renata Nguyễn ís coming up from Florida to sell her incredible bead and macrame earrings. She will also teach a 2 hour class on Monday the 29th in a beginning macrame class – making a key chain like above. There is still room in the class so talk to her at the market or email me if you want in. It’s listed on the website but some folks having trouble registering I don’t know why.


Foraging Color is the next class in September – taught by biologist and artist Alison Webb. You’ll learn to make watercolor pigments from local minerals and plants. Each season provides material to work with – the September class will focus on Fall pigments.

Hope you have a great summer! Things are feeling more hopeful now that the loyal and hard working Joe Biden has so graciously stepped down. Younger people who are sharp and ready to lead! And have a moral compass – such a relieve!

Hope to see you fine folks at the market.

Happy Days Ahead,

Mary Fisher

7568 Cultus Bay Rd

Clinton WA
