Summer Arts & Crafts Market – 2022


I’m excited to host our fourth Summer Arts & Crafts Market with some returning artists and many new ones too!

The vendors will be spread thougthout the former nursery & garden areas under garden umbrellas for a festive summer feel.

Food and beverages will be for sale as well.

Masks are optional at this point.

Ceramics, jewelry, woodwork, flower essences, handmade soap, clothing, mandala painted rocks, cards, prints, native plants, candles, macrame, paper-crafts, salves, body products, embroidery, block-printed items, napkins, beadwork, fine art, felting, food, you and more!

Summer Arts & Crafts Market 2022

Saturday ~ July 30  – 10 am – 5 pm

Sunday ~ July 31 – 10 am – 2pm

I’m looking forward to seeing old and new friends!

23 Artists / Craftspeople for this years market.

NOTE this is just a partial list at this point. Waiting for more photos!

Ida Gianopulus @lonecreekfarm will be here for the first time with her bouquets, strawflower garlands and general beauty and delight!

Lori Kane @ritual_mischief @ Silly Dog Studios

Lori has a whole new line of products she launching at our market. Based on emotions and where you are in your life. She can tell you all about it. And there’s cottonwood bud products in there too!! First time at our market but don’t miss her markets which are just on the edge of Langley – look for Ritual Mischief posters.


Amber Hawkins @ whidbeywoodgirl

Amber is new to our market with a wide selection of her woodwork – tables, signs, razors with lovely handles, candle holders, and whidbey maps.

Jamie Connors @cahmera_embroideries

New to our market this year, Jamie will be bringing her creative embroidery – some on garments and some in hoops.


Amanda Fisher @twistoflight 

Amanda wears quite a few hats, she’s the Human Resources Specialist for South Whidbey School District as well as mom of many and a prolific artist as well – her mission statement says it best:

“My goal has always been to bring light and joy to this world.  Give people a reason to stop, pause, linger for just a moment longer and find connection.  Art allows me to do this on a daily basis and I’m beyond grateful for this. I have work and my clothing line at the Blue Peony in Langley, and Bellevue Gardens for the Ida Culver House.”

Joey Guerra – Blacksmith

Don’t know much about Joey yet – he contacted me which i’m happy for – works at Hedgebrook as well and will be demoing his blacksmithing as well as selling. Fun stuff – bells, triangles, fireplace tools, hooks and hangers.

Leah Nguyen – @plantpaintpeople with be with us again this year, with her brilliant block printed napkins, towels, tee shirts and cloth, along with flower essences. She’ll also have prints and cards available.

Her work is done in collaboration with a team of spirit guides.Leah and I also collaborated with her printing and my sewing. We’ll have a dress and a couple of  lunch bags with her beautiful dogwood print. We can take special orders too!

 Britta Culbertson – Mud Lotus Handmade @mudlotus.handmade

I’m excited that Britta will make her first appearance at this market after a couple years of hoping she could come! Her bio says it best:

I specialize in combining ethically sourced stones from the Pacific Northwest with pressings of local flora, topographical maps, and nautical charts in handmade sterling silver jewelry. I strive to articulate the connection between geology and geography in the pieces I create. The stones we admire tell a story ages in the making and my goal is to forge a connection between people and the landscape with wearable works of Earth.

Kortney Schmit @knottykort

Kortney will join us for the first time this summer. She’s a licensed cosmetologist and crafter. In addition to her Etsy site she has items at The Greenhouse, PNW Vibes, 3 Sisters Market, and Whidbey Farm and Market, as well as participating in the Valley Made Market in Mt Vernon. Her main goal is to make things that people find useful while also being decorative.  She loves collaborating with clients on custom orders as well! 

Steph Terao @stephterao lives on Whidbey and wears a few hats – sign painter as well as other art and ceramics which she’ll bring to this market.

She’ll have a number of ceramic planters as well as candles and other items. She’s also a sign painter having graced the new bakery in Greenbank with her gold leaf Dolce window sign and the other ones in the front window.


kim Kokias

Kim Kokias @prettylittlebotanicals

Kim moved to Whidbey from Seattle with the hopes of being closer to nature and a slower life. When 
she’s not making art or enjoying the outdoors, she works as a child behaviorist. 
Kim brings ceramics and floral cards and will be sharing a booth with Steph Terao. 


Kim Kokias / ceramics / cards

Kimber Elements @kimberelements will be with us on Saturday only this year, with fabulous beadwork she designs in collaboration with Kenyan woman to benefit their lives and the wildlife in their country.

Laura Knaub @lauraknaub – From Seattle via France – Laura has been at the Summer Market in 2021 as well as the Winter Market, with her diverse ceramics. People love her work and I’m happy she’s back!

Renee Boyce @freelandartshack will be back again with her tightly painted rocks, agates and jewelry.  You can find gifts in many color ranges all done by hand one dot at a time! She will also demo her painting and her partner Michael Frickberg will be at the same table with his wood signs. 

Signs by Michael Frickberg

Greg Warnick @gryphyx from Seattle also wears many hats, his craft is ceramics, which he does with a passion, when he’s not working at Fred Hutch or backpacking. From sculpture to plates, mugs, vases, tiny spoons and more he’s bound to have some delightful surprises.

Don Wodjenski @wodjenskicreative will have his incredible turned wood bowls on Saturday only. Don was a high school art and photography teacher ( and so good at that too! ) and now retired he’s working on his many other creative outlets including music. Which is why he’s a Saturday only guy!


Brittany Olsen-Boblitt @brittany.olsen.boblitt will be sharing a table with her glass blowing husband – Devin. Brittany is an incredible spinner and knitter as well as a speech therapist for the real income. I love it when people can make such a great product as a passion and have enough to share.

Devin @fiberandflame does so many different glass work, from stitch markers  and cable holders for knitters to bottles, glasses and now jewelry! He’ll have a great selection at the market I think.

Jumangi Moritz @rainydayflora has a lovely small nursery on Langley Rd where she focuses on native plants but has others as well. Delightful display gardens worth seeing on one of those special open days. She also does design and installation when fully mobile ( broke her foot this spring ).

I’m happy she’ll be at the market both day with the assistance of her plant-a-holic mother Gwen Bixby ( retired librarian ) and with lots of great photos of the plants by her photographer dad, Bill Ruth, so you know what your 4″ or gallon plant will turn into!

Sarah and Will Slovensky of @hoffletco return with a wide selection of art work. They both make lovely ceramics and Sarah also paints, draws and does embroidery! Oh yes and they garden like crazy too so the many plants they grow inspire Sarahs work.

Sadly Sarah and Will had to cancel recently due to health issues but you can still see their great work on line. Do visit them and hopefully they’ll be back for the Winter Market.