Saturday, June 19 – Pie Making

Instructor – Mary Fisher

Saturday – June 19, 2021

1 pm – 3 pm

$49.00 – includes glass pie plate and all supplies to construct & take a pie home to bake!

Mary Fisher & brother Frank Rohwer – he wanted to get our mom’s recipe and did a great job.

So many folks think pie making is so hard with varying results. In this hands-on class you will learn the wisdom of Colorado ranch women, who fed countless ranch hands and needed to have a fantastic and fool-proof pie.

I learned the trade from my ranching mother and let me tell you, it works and is easy to repeat. 

There will also be options for how to make a decent gluten free crust as well as a sugar-free, but nicely sweentened pie.

Each person will make the special dough recipe handed down over generations, a filling of various fruits ( to be determined ) and a top crust with a glaze to finish it off.

You will constuct your pie in a glass pie plate which you take home and bake.

We shall end the class sharing a pie I had previously made.

I’ve taught this class before and heard back how successful the students were. You too can master the art of a delicious pie. I’ve also taught this to various age children under 10 years old and they too made good pies.


Fresh raspberries are great mixed with apples for a filling.

You can embellish your pie with special messages, leaves, hearts, flowers – whatever you feel like cutting into the top crust for a vent.

Get ready for the 4th of July and impress friends and family with a homemade pie. What’s more American than apple pie??